The Veterans Hall of Honor Committee was formed by the Franklin County Commission to honor the Veterans from the County. The project is not to honor the wars but our veterans that proudly served from Franklin County.  Information that is needed to be considered for inclusion is verification of service (discharge papers). The Committee has substantial information regarding Veterans serving in the conflicts prior to World War II.  World War II and newer conflict records are not available to the Committee. We will be depending on the Veterans or families of the Veteran to provide us with the information.


The requirements to be considered to be included in the Hall of Honor are:

1. To be born or raised in Franklin County or

2. Lived in Franklin County for more than ten years or

3. Lived in Franklin County at the time of entrance into service or

4. Buried in Franklin County or lived in Franklin County and buried in the Veterans Cemetery and

5. The Veteran must have an honorable discharge.


After completing the list of Veterans, the Hall of Honor Committee will organize pictures of Veterans in their uniform, Unit History Books, Military Unit Insignias, Unit Crests, etc. to place on display. We hope to have all the information available for Genealogical research on a computer in the Museum.

As the lists of veterans for each conflict is as complete as the Committee can make them, they will be posted on the web site for the public to review and add to if necessary.  The Committee would like to say a big thank you to all the Veterans, their families and the volunteers working on this project. The Committee truly believes in the words George Washington expressed:

“The willingness with which our young people are likely to serve in any war, no matter how justified, shall be directly proportional to how they perceive the Veterans of earlier wars were treated and appreciated by their nation.”


Achievement Award for the county



For Further Information

Terry O. Wilson





Terry O. Wilson

2774 Earth Crest Dr.

Washington, MO 63090-6754